Gracia will be speaking for a special community event to be held in Wesley Center at the church. The public is cordially invited to attend.
Gracia will be addressing the students attending missionary training at MTC on these days.
Gracia will be addressing the students attending missionary training at MTC on these days.
This is a fundraiser for GraceMed Health Clinic and United Methodist Open Door- a ministry to those in need of food, housing, education about finances, etc. Visit the church website to get further information as the event date approaches.
Gracia will be speaking for the FGA banquet in conjunction with the Annual Conference of the FGA.
Gracia will be speaking for a community event held in the high school auditorium and sponsored by Bethel Baptist Church. The public is cordially invited to attend.
Gracia will be speaking at a special event for the residents of Royal Park Place.
Gracia will be speaking to the Cubbies, the Sparks and T & T groups of the AWANA Clubs.
Gracia will be the speaker for this special emphasis that combines the Waukesha and Jackson students in attendance.