To Fly Again


The world learned the horrendous details of Martin and Gracia Burnham’s yearlong captivity in Gracia’s best-selling, Gold Medallion Award-winning book, In the Presence of My Enemies. In this follow-up, Gracia reflects on the lessons and spiritual truths she learned in the jungle and how they apply to anyone’s life. Twenty-one brief, theme-based chapters squarely address the challenges each of us face as we pass through difficult times to take to the skies again.

This book offers no pat answers or easy solutions, just the battle-tested wisdom of a woman who lived her greatest nightmare and came through it more convinced of God’s grace than ever before.
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Amazon Reviews

Marilyn M

This is an amazingly positive book written by someone who has been through hardship and, in the Lord Jesus Christ, has triumphed over evil!. It is best read after reading ‘In the Presence of my Enemies’ but can also stand alone. It is easy to read and yet profound, it has a message to everyone who is going through difficulties in their lives, but also to all of us whose lives, by comparison, seem to be ‘plain sailing’.
Thank you, Gracia

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