In the Presence of My Enemies


For American missionaries Martin and Gracia Burnham, what started out as a relaxing, once-in-a-lifetime anniversary getaway at an exotic island resort turned into one of the most horrific nightmares imaginable.

Kidnapped by the Abu Sayyaf, a terrorist group with ties to Osama bin Laden, the Burnhams were snatched away from friends and family and thrust into a life on the run in the Philippine jungle. During a perilous year in captivity, they faced near starvation, constant exhaustion, frequent gun battles, coldhearted murder—and intense soul-searching about a God who sometimes seemed to have forgotten them.

In this gripping firsthand account of faith, love, and struggle in the face of unnervingly casual brutality, you’ll go behind the scenes of a real-life drama, told in gritty detail by the least likely survivor. You’ll learn about the methods and motives of a radical terrorist group whose members are determined to meet their objectives, no matter what the cost. You’ll be inspired by the ultimately triumphant faith and enduring love of an ordinary couple thrown into extraordinarily difficult circumstances.

Whatever the struggles of your life, you’ll find encouragement and hope in this refreshingly honest story of a yearlong struggle with the darkness that inhabits the human heart.

The issue…is not why an all-powerful God might choose to subject a man to evil, but how a man, with God’s help, responds to evil…The Burnhams, under torturous conditions, befriended their guards, comforted their fellow hostages and kept their faith in a God who seemed to have abandoned them.” USA TODAY

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En Espanol
En la Presencia De mis Enemigos.

¿Podrá la fe, la esperanza y el amor sobrevivir un año de terror?
Para los misioneros estadounidenses Martin y Gracia Burnham, lo que comenzó como
un escape de aniversario relajante en un recurso de una isla exótica se convirtió en una
de las pesadillas más horribles que se puedan imaginar.
Secuestrados por Abu Sayyaf, un grupo terrorista con vínculos con Osama bin Laden,
los Burnham fueron arrebatados de su amigos y familiares y empujados a una vida en
la selva filipina. Durante un año peligroso en cautiverio, enfrentaron casi la hambruna,
el agotamiento constante, frecuentes tiroteos, asesinatos despiadados y un intenso
examen de conciencia acerca de un Dios que a veces parecía haberlos olvidado.
En este apasionante relato de primera mano sobre la fe, el amor y la lucha frente a una
brutalidad inquietante e informal, irás detrás de las escenas de un drama de la vida
real, contado con gran detalle por la sobreviviente menos probable.


Amazon Reviews


This book is a wonderful book and it shows how all of us Christians still struggle just like anyone else does but God will always show us through all of our dark times. We were praying for Martin and Gracia for the whole year. Her strength and his is just amazing. She shares her personal struggles and also her triumphs during these dark times that her and Martin endured. Please take the time to get and read this book. It will definitely change your life and make you look at life in a whole new light. God is a wonderful God if you know Him as your Lord and Savior. We love you Gracia and thanks for sharing Martin’s story with us!

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